20211024 mtbbeachrace Noordwijk Exventure
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Pictures are taken at 3 sections, for each section all passing participent from the first to the last are pictured. However sometimes the group may hide some riders from being seen.
At the 3th section, participants that passed the boulevard in Noordwijk for the 2nd time around the time that the leaders of the race were finishing might find themselves for a 4th time amongst the first pictures of section 3 and then again at the end of section 3. You will recognize the start of a new section just by the pictures itself.
1) first passage to the boulevard in Noordwijk coming from Katwijk
2) on the beach near Noordwijk, while riding from Zandvoort to Katwijk
3) final passage to the boulevard in Noordwijk (and for some also 2nd passage)
For pictures of section 2 of larger groups, pay attention which rider(s) in the various groups appear sharp. The focus is also in groups put on single riders to let them stand out.
- 939 foto's
- Van
- 24-10-2021
- Noordwijk aan Zee